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Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Join the Partner Program

In Finland alone, roughly 1,000 gyms, each housing an average of 56 pieces of equipment, make the annual gym equipment market worth an estimated 112 million eur os. This thriving industry presents a plethora of opportunities for enterprises like yours to make a significant contribution.

Read the Market Report

Finland | 2022

Market size

Total revenue in this market reaches 25 million euros per year, including both gym equipment sales and after-sales services. Among the key contributors, the top 10 companies have demonstrated notable success, with an average turnover of multiple million euros over the past three fiscal years.

As a GymPlus partner, you get to tap into this profitable market, unlocking abundant potential for your business. With our pioneering software and data-driven solutions, you can distinguish yourself from competitors and take your offerings to unprecedented levels.

At the European level,
the value of gym equipment in clubs
equals 6.8 billion euros.



Benefits for GymPlus Partners

By partnering with us

You align with a trusted industry leader dedicated to fostering success for our partners. Together, we can provide exceptional value to our customers and make a significant impact in the fitness industry.


Ready to embark on this
exciting partnership journey?


Contact us today.

Explore how GymPlus can help you reach new peaks of success in the fitness market.

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